Electronic auction
Generated: 05-09-2022 08:39:04
Sprzęt sieciowy - A/DZ/517/13
Start date: 2022-09-05 09:00:00 Completion date: 2022-09-05 17:00:00 Deadline for submission to the auction: 2022-09-05 09:00:00
ul. Stańczyka 3
01-237 Warszawa
NIP: 5270011878
Barańczuk, Karol
Auction description

Dzień dobry,

Na sprzedaż posiadamy poniższy sprzęt sieciowy. Proszę o ofertę zakupu sprzętu:


Model                                 SN

Juniper EX2200                               CU0218060279

Juniper EX2200                               CU0217520183

Juniper EX2200                               CU0216510383

Juniper EX2200                               CU0216510199

Juniper EX2200                               CU0216510398

Juniper EX2200                               CU0216510191

Juniper EX4300                               PG3714460128

Juniper EX4300                               PG3714460127

Juniper EX4300                               PG3718240062

Juniper EX4300                               PG3718280012

Juniper EX2300                               JW0219410227

Juniper EX2300                               JW0219410222


Macierz dyskowa:

IBM StorwizeV3700                       YM1EBG5CY009

IBM StorwizeV3700                       YM1FBG45C069

No item
Product Product Index/No. Quantity Maximum price Minimum bid improvement The bid is not changing Purchasing category
1. Juniper EX2200 6 800 PLN 0.01 PLN No Inne
2. Juniper EX4300 4 800 PLN 0.01 PLN No Inne
3. Juniper EX2300 2 800 PLN 0.01 PLN No Inne
4. IBM StorwizeV3700 1 1400 PLN 0.01 PLN No Inne
Auction rules
Auction: Decreasing
Number of overtimes: Infinite
Extra time length: 1 minute
The price concerns: One unit
Bid must exceed the highest bid: Yes
Offer assessment criterion:
1. Price (100%)
Bidder view
Bidder may not see other bidders’ names
Rules of starting overtime: overtime starts when an offer is submitted by a supplier during the last minute of the auction or overtime..